
Flowers for Algernon

Do you know this story?I watched it before on TV, but I didnt really watch it.Now I start reading the book quite seriously.

From progress report2-March4

And a nice man was in one of the rooms and he had some white cards with ink spilled all over them.

I dont understand the last part.
spilled all over them means like インクで書かれた?

I really tried to see.I held the card up close and then far away.

hold up:持続{じぞく}する、持ちこたえる、維持{いじ}する、(天気{てんき}が)続く、耐える、支える、支持{しじ}する、しっかり立っている、歩調{ほちょう}を緩めない
held~up close and then far away:近付けたり離したりし続けた

I bet I find it now.

I said I pretend a bottle of ink spilled all over a white card.
This mean 白いカード中にこぼれたボトルのインク?

Charlie is kind of slow adults, but his life may change from now...

3 件のコメント:

  1. Thanks! When you read a book like this, please include the name of the author, title of the book, name of the publisher, and the date of publication.

    In regard to the "white cards with ink spilled all over them", please click here to see pictures of the kinds of cards that are being discussed.

  2. Thank you for your comment..I tried to do the inkblot test... but I couldn't find anything... may be I don't have good imagination...

  3. Actually, I don't really understand what, if anything, inkblot test shows. Don't worry if you don't see much in the pictures.
